Advanced Women
Moving Forward®

Advanced Women Moving Forward®

copyright susan van vleet consultants, inc.  1980


Prerequisite: Successful Completion of Women Moving Forward®

The Advanced Women Moving Forward® Workshop is 2 days long.

The primary focus is to take you from where you ended up after Women Moving Forward® and move you further forward in both your personal and work life.

Some quotes from women who have attended Advanced Women Moving Forward®

“I understand the boundaries that go along with my role, I will be able to make more efficient decisions”

“I have a greater sense of clarity over my life….this has given me the opportunity to start with a clean slate. I am more in touch with myself…”

“I am more purposeful and can lead from a higher level… I am more ‘in the moment’ because the distractions are being removed”

“…(I’m) not alone in my experience, support is so helpful… like a renewal of WMF® to a further degree”

“I will live more on purpose at work which will make me more effective in my role…as a leader. This will benefit my company…”

“I have let go of old declarations and am refocused on the path forward”

Course Objectives:

You will focus on the following areas:

  1. Discovering Or Actualizing Your Purpose In Life
  2. How To Lead A More Purposeful Life In Your Current Job/Life
  3. How To Use Your Intention To Get The Results You Want At Work and In Your Life
  4. Completing and Making New Declarations About Yourself


The Trainer for this workshop is Susan Van Vleet, President of Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc.® and the creator of the course.  Susan has a Masters Degree in Social Work and is a Certified Professional Consultant to Management.

Susan has been married for over 40 years and has two grown sons and a grandson.

If you are interested in bringing this workshop into your company or attending the next public class, please contact us.
In-house workshops are available for up to 12 women.